You have probably been dreaming of your wedding day for a long time. The perfect cake, a beautiful dress, the beautiful flower arrangements are all dancing through your head and pinned all over your Pinterest boards. All of your visions cost money and we talk to a lot of couples who have a specific idea for their wedding florals, but the budget does not match. If you’re getting too close to your budget for comfort, here are 4 simple ways to trim your floral budget without compromising your vision.

If you’re getting too close to your budget for comfort, here are 4 simple ways to trim your floral budget without compromising your vision.

Double Duty

It is perfectly acceptable to use the same flowers in your reception as you do during your ceremony. In fact, we encourage it! We recommend asking your florist for their help in removing and placing re-used decorations. Or at least showing you how to do it. Some of the rigging may not be quite as easy as it looks to remove without harming the piece itself. Some examples we have assisted with are using bridesmaid bouquets as centerpieces or having your arbor piece removed and placed on the head table as a stunning focal piece.

Different Blooms

While roses are unmistakably beautiful, stately, and well-recognized. They aren’t the be-all, end-all flower of any bouquet or arrangement. Ask your florist what blooms they would recommend for the most visual impact but possibly at a lower price point. Often, this leads to bouquets and arrangements that are more unique and moves you away from what everyone else is using. Trust your florist and their expertise to create something beautiful and within your budget.

Alternating Centerpieces

Rather than requiring each table to have a flower-based centerpiece, invest in something else. Succulents are evergreen, easily cared for, and inexpensive. You can also alternate floral and non-floral centerpieces. Add tall pillar candles to half the tables with some greenery around the base on some tables and use florals on the others. Not only will this save money it adds to the ambiance of the reception.

Stay In Season

Use flowers that are in season. This will save you a lot in terms of budget. Flowers that are outside of their growing season will cost a premium price. If you have your heart set on a specific type of flower, make sure you are setting a date when they are available and not extremely expensive. You can always talk with your florist about other types of flowers that look similar but are more readily available around your wedding date.

By following these tips and working with a creative and resourceful florist you will be able to achieve your desired wedding vision without busting your floral budget!

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